We woke early again to a very peaceful morning on cape cod bay. I eventually went ashore again to retrieve my phone which I left at Didier's house the night before. When I got it back, I was glad I had a camera with me because the view from the bluffs there in Manomet is really something.
Fujin on a mooring with the dinghy (chin-chin) in foreground on the beach |
Our plan was to hit the canal for slack tide at about 13:30 and this is only about 9 miles away. Capt Bob was getting impatient to leave so around 09:00, we sailed off the mooring and with only the main sail up, we did a nice slow (2-3kts) sail down to the canal.
Leisurely sail early Monday morning from Manomet Point to Cape Code Canal under main sail only |
We still got there too early. So we anchored off Sagamore Beach and rested for an hour.
The Canal trip was pretty unremarkable at first. We got there a bit early and had some rapidly decreasing opposing current. By the time we were near Bourne Bridge, we had almost 2kts behind us. Wind was blowing very hard up the canal so even then, we were not making great speed. When we finally got up to where the RR bridge comes into view, it looked different somehow. It was coming down for a train! Cool. There was a police boat there and one sailboat already just turning slow circles behind the bridge. We slowed to idle-forward speed and we never had to do any turns to kill time.
Coming down... |
And... Down |
After all that, about three train cars went over it.
Yay Buzzards Bay with wind opposing current, yay!
When we exited the canal channel, we still had a nice current behind us, but the SW wind was really up and it got really nasty for a while. For some reason, this is when Capt Linda got out some food and a beer. Go figure. We were pounding into 3-4 footers and making barely 3 knots forward with the engine cranked. Fortunately, we were able to turn right out of the channel pretty soon after the jetty to head to our destination for the day... Marion, MA. It started to calm down and we actually got an angle to the wind where we could sail a bit. Capt Bob sent Capt Linda up to the mast to hoist the main. We have some exciting video of this I'll post later.
So we're sitting at Beverly Yacht club in Marion. They have a bar and some food, but we decided to walk the 1.2 miles into town (well there is a traffic light), for dinner. We found "The Wave". Open 7 days a week... except tuesday.
Blue Wave: Open 7 Days a Week.
Closed Tuesdays. |
The Best Part of Day 3
The best part of Day 3, however, took place on land after dinner. Bob met up with his old friend and Neo band mate, Charlie. Bob and Charlie met in college and formed a rock band in the early 80's (The Neo's) and both (along with drummer Mike) were very focused on becoming rock stars but instead chose the lucrative fields of software engineering and pharmacy. This evening was the first time they saw each other in perhaps 20 years. We enjoyed drinking wine and beer on the yacht club lawn until after midnight. We may get Charlie and his girlfriend, Aleesa, out for a day sail while they are still in the area.
Almost rock stars; still both making fantastic music |
So I was close with my guess yesterday. Did you buy peanuts for Buzzards Bay - I have it on good authority that they help with the pounding. But a beer sounds good too. Today's destination guess - Cuttyhunk.