We once again were up by 6:00 a.m. after a solid night's sleep (not sure why we keep getting up so early - perhaps just programmed from our normal schedule). We discussed two main options: stay put or head out towards Falmouth before the storm arrived. But by the time we plotted out a plan for Falmouth, we were too late to hit the early favorable current in Woods Hole so decided to stay put in sleepy Marion. Our dear friend, Greg, (who joined Bob and Charlie last night since Greg is also from Binghamton) invited us out for breakfast with his wife, LeeAnn. We spent an enjoyable morning over coffee and a tour around Fairhaven (by motor vehicle).
Footnote: Greg credits Bob and I with his fortuitous meeting and subsequent marriage to LeeAnn in 2012 :-).
LeeAnn, Bob and Greg |
After some boat chores and before the real weather hit, we packed up our computers and headed for the yacht club. (Bob had to dinghy back to the boat for a proper collared shirt - we forgot we were at a proper yacht club and not just any old marina.) A bit of Biogen and Amadeus work with a glass of wine for Linda and a Rum Swizler for Bob.
Sippican Harbor is beautiful and has a preponderance of impressive sailing vessels. The homes along the harbor and Front Street in Marion are pristine and stately. The food at the Beverly Yacht Club was quite good and inexpensive. However, we never did feel settled or welcome - whether at the Yacht Club, walking down the street, or at the General Store (with expired, unpriced food on the shelves). But enough complaining. It was a relaxing day and a half and a fantastic visit with Charlie, Aleesa, Greg and LeeAnn. And if we come back to the area, we'll stay further up harbor at the boat yard.
put down the computer, get back to the chart plotter