The morning started with a leisurely few mile easy motor westward to Third Beach where we dropped a hook and took the dinghy to the beautiful beach as low tide approached. The water was clear and comfortable so we enjoyed walking around and talking with a couple who started cruising full time on their Catamaran from NC two years ago.
Beautiful Third Beach |
The sun was shining (as it has been most of the week) and the air was a bit warmer than past days so we went swimming off the boat - water temperature was perfect. By midday the SW breeze picked up and the tide started coming in - perfect conditions for sailing wing-n-wing northward up the Sakonnet [River]. Oh yeah - we successfully sailed off anchor; very cool for us.
Wing-n-wing most of the way up Sakonnet River |
Sailing up the Sakonnet reminds Bob of the Finger Lakes in NY. While enjoying a 5 kt upwind sail, Linda realized that today, nearly a week in to this vacation, her mind was not cluttered so much thinking about work and kids. And she was very thankful that two additional weeks still lay ahead.
View off starboard near Little Compton |
Tiverton |
Fujin and Chin-Chin in the slip at Brewers Sakonnet |
Brewers Sakonnet Marina has been great. Linda spoke with Dave early in the morning to inquire about space and if someone could check out the tuning of our rig. Dave said to come on up. When we got here, we were mildly intimidated by the extremely narrow quarters but also impressed by the inviting setting - it was more like entering a scenic pond instead of a marina. Once here, we learned that our slip would be no charge (since we already paid a lot of money to another Brewer's for winter storage etc.). Dave gave our rig a quick exam and promised to make some needed adjustments in the morning. He also showed us around, introduced us to the "pool nazi" and we chatted about various types of sailboats. (Dave recommends that we consider a Passport.) Turns out Dave used to be in R&D at Cape Dory Yachts back in their glory days.
Lounging by the pool at Brewers Sakonnet Marina |
We took a dinghy ride across to the east side of the Sakonnet and had a lovely "Scutra quality" dinner at the Boat House. (We were almost under dressed.)
As Linda finishes this blog entry, she is enjoying listening to Bob practice guitar. Life is good.
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