WFB - Working From Boat
Today was a WFB day for both Linda and Bob. We both promised our respective bosses that we would work a couple days during this trip. Linda was busy getting cutting edge drugs for horrible diseases to market to help thousands of people around the world live better, healthier lives. Bob was busy helping corporate travel agents make airports and airplanes even more crowded and miserable. Mission accomplished. Bob was overheard cussing a lot. He assured Capt Linda that this was a normal day at work.
We thought Newport/Jamestown would be a good place to get a slip and sit down to work. The reality is that 1: Jamestown is cool and you would rather not be trapped inside a boat on a dock all day, and 2: our 4G wifi hotspot did not really work so great there. In hindsight, we should have done our work while sitting anchored off Third Beach in the Sakonnet River because 1: there is nothing else to do (except an occasional dive off the boat), and 2: the reception and connectivity out here is fantastic! Have not lost the connection once.
Good WiFi and Amadeus servers up and running (kind of) |
Visit From Our Friendly Neighborhood Boat Broker
About five years ago Linda made a phone call to inquire about a used Hunter that was for sale in Bristol RI. We had been boat shopping and were not really focused in on what type of boat and only had a modest price point in mind. An immensely helpful and friendly broker talked to Linda about several boats and that weekend Bob and Linda took a drive to Bristol RI where we met Matt LeDuc. Matt showed us a couple of Hunters, then mentioned that there was another boat (a bit over our targeted price) known then as Langosta. It was love at first sight for Linda; Bob was more practical. Matt was fantastic all throughout the complicated survey, purchase, and upgrades of our first sailboat. We appreciated the tremendous work Matt did for us several years ago for a very modest commision so now Fujin is listed for sale with Matt of Fleet Yacht Sales Matt visited us today in Jamestown to talk about some seller-related logistics and information. I forgot to take a picture of Matt for the blog, however, Matt requested that I send him a photo of our open transom, which is unique for our period boat, to add to the existing listing on Yachtworld.
1997 Pearson 34 for Sale
Modest Fujin Among High End Yachts in Jamestown
Although Jamestown is much lower key than Newport across the harbor, it is common to see mostly high end motor and sailing yachts.
Friendship Day Sailer (reportedly north of one million dollars for this modest vessel; as much of a piece of art as a sail boat) |
Oyster 65 footer visiting from London |
Swan 56 visiting from Australia |
Pearson 34 visiting from Boston. (Which of the above does not quite belong??) |
Terrific Evening Sail to Our Overnight Anchorage
We logged off our respective networks and readied to depart by about 4:00 to enjoy a SW 15 kt wind out of Newport Harbor sailing just a short hop westward past First Beach, past Second Beach, back to Third Beach were we first visited last week when we started our loop of Aquidneck Island at Sakonnet Habor. (See Day 6 post.) This anchorage at third beach is really nice. Matt the broker says this is his favorite spot and we can see why. He also told us not to tell anyone about it. I think someone already did. Tonight, there are probably 8 boats on moorings and another 4 or 5 anchored like we are. Rule compliance note: one boat at anchor does NOT have his anchor light on and one boat on a mooring DOES have his anchor light on.
Wedding reception Newport style |
The sail boat below could be seen quite a distance away. It's black sails are very striking, unusual, and intimidating. This will surely be a head turner even in Newport.
Thoroughly impressive and intimidating racing yacht heading in to Newport Harbor. ~70 feet. Grim reaper at the helm?? |
Large crew all in black to match the black hull and black sails. |
Look Dan - We are anchored tonight!
Our friendly slip neighbor at Constitution Marina in Boston teased us a little via e mail noticing that our blog entries always showed us at moorings or slips. Ok, Dan, tonight is for you!
Time to be real sailors and anchor for the night. |
Nice dinner at anchor this evening. Steak au jus, asparagus, mushrooms and tomatoes. |
A vibrant pink sky through the clouded horizon. |
Tuesday will start early with a planned 0500 departure for a long leg to Falmouth!
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